Rain, rain, more rain. Every week-end. Where is springtime? Going out to take photos is a pain the ass these days : keeping the camera dry, avoiding raindrops on the lens, shooting in low light with no shadows and anyway, to shoot WHAT? Empty streets?
Well yeah, I'm too lazy to go out. And in meantime, I'm not far from having exhausted all my recently photographed rolls. So I looked on my hard drive and I found this film, shot in December & January, which I had left aside and forgotten. Don't know why : it's not so bad actually, and anyway I wouldn't mind if I came across a Santa Claus outside today, given the weather.


  1. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    Cool public library 📚

  2. msiegel
    msiegel ·

    You did a better job than me doing pairs.

  3. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    @hervinsyah thanks ! It’s a book box. you bring the books you want to get rid of, while others come to pick them up for free. 100% circular economy. there are several of these boxes throughout the city.

  4. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    @msiegel thank you too ! you know, the camera helps. the Olympus Pen is awesome.

  5. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    Wow really want to have it but nowaday Indonesian custom are sucks. They will tax any of thing we take from abroad trip

  6. msiegel
    msiegel ·

    @mackiechartres Yes, I have a Pen EE2 with a most likely not correct working meter. In the right light wonderful. My last attempt was with Alfie Tych which has no double exposure prevention. So soetimes I got carried away, already thinking of the second shot of the pair and not remembering if I wound on. Next time I'll use the Canon Dial.

  7. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    @msiegel I look forward to seeing them ! 👍

More photos by mackiechartres